Black Squares
Bringing THE Culture Into Chess
Black Squares Chess Program offers a range of opportunities for St. Louis city youth to engage with chess. We serve ages 6-18, and our programming includes an after-school program, group lessons and play!
Our Mission:
Black Squares Chess Program is committed to increasing access to the chess world for Black youth in North City and developing Black chess culture within the sport.
Our Why:
Historically, access to the sport of chess has been extremely limited for low-income and Black and Brown youth, and is often shaped by racial stereotypes. Despite the wide range of chess cultures across the world, there are very few Black faces and role models. A change in the culture of chess is needed and the first step to creating that change is increasing access to chess for all.
The Black Squares program creates critical access to the chess world for Black young people in North City and across St. Louis. Chess provides another outlet for success and new experiences, while opening an avenue for youth to develop their own mechanisms for problem solving that can be applied in their daily lives. We believe our program creates the space for youth to develop their critical thinking skills, build new relationships, and stay mentally engaged, while bringing about necessary change in the global chess community.